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Our Partners Bring it All Together
Allan Block works with licensed manufacturers all around the world to make our products. Our Producers in turn, partner with local distributors or retail dealers to promote and sell Allan Block retaining wall, patio wall and fencing products to contractors and homeowners alike.
So Why Choose a Certified Allan Block Dealer?
Allan Block Certified Dealers listed on this site are rated by the products, training and services that they provide. Based on this rating, you can choose the dealer in your area that can answer your questions, provide you with the products you need and the services you can depend on.
Ratings are based on a list of products, training and services that each dealer provides. View the description of the star rating by clicking on the star icon.
Allan Block strives to be “Always Better” and in that motto we work to provide training to those who make and sell our products. We call a person trained on our products an Allan Block Specialist. There are three (3) types of Specialists designed to help you:
- Knowledgeable Specialists
- Experienced Specialists
- Expert Specialists
Aside from providing stellar customer service, we like to acknowledge those dealers that provide additional services to their customers such as:
- DIY Service Center - Homeowner Friendly Location
- Rental Equipment
- Accessory Products like rock, geogrid, etc
- Project Design Assistance
- Hosts Training Events/Seminars