Adjusting Quantities on Your Estimate

Beginning Screen - Select Application

Adding Overages to Retaining Wall Estimate
  1. After calcuating your estimate, you may edit the quantities by clicking the Adjust Quantities button. This button will allow you to edit the quantities and overages for the current wall or fence.

  2. Update your Total Quantity or Overage by changing the value in the yellow cell. Note, only the yellow cells will be saved.

  3. Click Save to save your changes and update your estimate.

  4. Add additional materials to your estimate by entering the material description and unit of measure. Click the Add Item button.
    Note: This is used to account for any additional item, such as equipment, rentals, or specialty materials.

  5. To update the estimate prices, click on the Update Block and Price Information button.

  6. Commercial retaining walls can have up to 3 different types of geogrid within the wall. To change the name of the geogrid on the estimate, click the Update Geogrid Button and select the correct geogrid from the list.