Using the Top Menu

Many Screens Share the Same Top Menu

Beginning Help Screen

Company Info Screen
  • File Menu - Click Save to save the current estimate. It is recommended that the file extension remain a .TXT file for simplicity.
    Click Open to open an existing AB Estimating Tool file.

    • Open Existing Estimate - Click Open Existing Estimate to open an existing AB Estimating Tool file.

    • Open Block File - Click Open Block File to open an existing AB Estimating Tool file that contains block and pricing information. This will overwrite only the block properties and additional material costs. This will also load you logo and company information if you saved it in a previous file.

  • Company Info - To load your company logo and contact information, click on the Company Info option. Enter your information in the lines provided. Click the Find Path to Logo button to navigate to your logo. When you close the window, your information will be saved.

  • System Units Menu - Select the required system units for the project.